This is who
we are

We love our trade.

That compliment from a customer,
joking around with a colleague,
the feeling you get after successfully completing a challenging job,
that’s what makes us tick.

We are a family business

- since 1860.

As a company you can only survive this long,
when you move with the times,
and have an eye for the welfare of your customers
and staff.

Change is

our second nature.

We learn every day and never forget.
This is how we continue our development,
always respectfully on our way to solutions.

We don’t believe in

quick fixes.

We do believe in having an eye for detail,
for human proportions,
for the future and the long term.

We believe in respect,

trust and creativity,

in safety, sustainability and having fun,
in solutions, inspiration and enthusiasm.
This is reflected in the way we work,
hard as well as smart,

but above all together.

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