Warehousing and pre-installation at your request

With warehouses in the Netherlands and Belgium we have lots of space for your products. They are stored safely and under the right conditions, managed flexibly and smartly and adapted to your preference.

In our workshops, pre-installation and customer finishing can be done, by our technicians or by the supplier, to make sure the goods are tailored to the wishes of the receiver before delivery.

We are able to quickly switch capacity and set up our workshop for a new customer finish protocol. For example, we can carry out pre-installations for coffee machines, ATMs, safes and coolers.


An honest brew

In order to pre-install and test coffee machines, we have made adjustments to the workshop so the machines can be connected to the mains water supply and drainage is possible in case of a leak.

Of course, we can also provide temporary storage for you so that your machines are ready for installation when it suits you.

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